Wednesday 4 December 2013

Types of Recording

From the literature available on casework recording no
clear cut classification of records on the basis of their
types is available. However, for our understanding we
can give the following classification of recording.
(a) Process (b) Summary (c) Verbatim (d) Non-
Process Recording
Process recording is a form of recording used frequently
by the caseworker. In this type, the process of interview
is reported and is a rather detailed description of what
transpired with considerable paraphrasing. It preserves
a sequence in which the various matters were
discussed. It includes not only what both the worker
and the client said but also significant reaction of the
client and changes in mood and response. In this the
interview and observation go hand-in-hand. It may be
verbatim or non-verbatim reproduction.
Summary Recording
Summary is a good device for organising and analyzing
facts. Summary points into meaning and relative
importance of material gathered. A careful summary
made at appropriate intervals reduces bulk, clarifies
direction and saves the workers, time. Summary is
commonly assumed to be a review or recapitulation of
material that has already appeared in the record. It
may be either topically arranged or may appear as
condensed chronological narrative.
Mrs. Sheffield has defined summary in social casework
recording as “A digest of significant facts in the client’s
history which has previously been recorded”. Summary
could be a diagnostic summary, periodic summary or
closing summary.
The closing summary is a summary made at the time
the case is closed. To be most effective it should be
written by the worker who was responsible for the case
at the time of closing.
The periodic summary is simply the summary of material
previously recorded and is made at more or less regular
intervals or at the end of more or less definite episodes
in the family history.
Verbatim Recording
It is reproduction of factual data in the individual’s own
words. It is commonly used in casework because of its
accuracy and objectivity. However, it should not become
a mechanical reproduction of information because
casework as an art requires an intelligent selection
and rearrangement of material. As a part of training of
the worker, verbatim recording may be of value in
developing objectivity.
Non-verbatim /narrative recording
Narrative recording has been and still is a predominant
style of recording. It is the style found in newspapers
and magazines. It is the way we speak of the day’s
events, it is the way we write letters, and it is the ways
we keep diaries. Narrative form of recording is preferred
for reporting acts of practical helpfulness, events and
most collateral visits or conferences. It may be used for
the contents of the interview in all instances except
when the process itself and use of relationship have
special significance.

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