Man has always desired
an egalitarian society where
all human beings have
equality but this noble ideal has
never been fully
achieved in recorded history and
certainly not in
modern societies which are more
concerned about
equality than any other societies. The
indicators of
development devised by national and
organisations show that inequalities have,
in fact, increased
within countries and between the
countries during the
last century.
A number of agencies
at different levels are engaged in
reducing economic and
social equalities. The modem
state has taken the
major responsibility for reducing
social inequalities.
International organisations like
UNDP, World Bank, and
Asian Development Bank also
playa major role in
policy formulation and mobilization
of resources to reduce
poverty. Voluntary organisations
are increasingly involved
in the implementation of
development programmes
whose major purpose is to
reduce poverty and
empower people. Needless to say
these efforts have
been only partially successful.
Social workers have a
special interest in social
stratification. Social
work aims at improving social
functioning of
individuals, groups and communities. The
type and pattern of
social stratification in a society
greatly influences
individual and group behaviour. For
example, a caseworker
will have to deal with an
individual who fears
loss of status after a series of
business losses.
Information on the class and caste
status is this
important to understand the social
background of the
individual. Similarly groups for doing
group work are often
formed on the basis of these
criteria. In community
organisation the need is even
more as opportunities
for development in Indian society
depend on the class
and caste position of the respective
Social Stratification:
Social stratification
can be defined as the arrangement
of groups of
individuals in hierarchical positions on the
basis of criteria like
wealth, prestige, ethnicity, gender
and power. Because of
the similarity of their positions
in the social
structure they develop a common
consciousness of who
they are, what their common
problems are and what
should be done to remove these
problems. Social
stratification is a major form of social
Sociologists point out that in complex
industrial countries
like U.S.A. the main type of social
inequality is
individual based inequality and profession
based inequality.
Lists have been prepared to show the
public perceptions of
the relative prestige attached to
various occupations.
One such list shows the medical
doctor on the top with
the sweeper the bottom. The
social worker has a
middle rank.
The quick mobility of
individuals disturbs the
arrangement of status
in the hierarchy and this prevents
the development of
group consciousness. For the
development of group
consciousness it is important that
there is stability in
the social structure and that
individuals remain in
a group for a considerable amount
of time and that the
avenues for social mobility are
limited. In India
class and caste are the main factors of
social stratification,
about which we will now learn.
There are two
prominent social thinkers who have
enriched our
understanding of the nature, types and
consequences of social
stratification: Karl Marx and Max
Marx’s analysis of
society gives an important role to the
economic factor. According
to his theory of class, a class
consists of a group of
people who have similar relations
to the forces of
production. For example, in modem
societies, all
individuals who own factories are capitalists
and all individuals
who work in these factories for wages
are workers. Similarly
in an agrarian society individuals
who own land can be
called feudal lords and those who
work for them are
serfs or labourers. He also believed
that the interests of
these different groups were
irreconcilable, which
means that one gains at the
expense of others. The
result was that the workers,
labourers or slaves
were always exploited by the
capitalists, feudal
lords or slave owners in their
respective societies.
All other institutions in society,
religious, political
or educational, helped the process of
exploitation through
various means. For example,
religion preaches
fatalism, which convinces people that
their suffering cannot
be prevented and that passive
suffering can bring
them heavenly rewards after their
deaths. Similarly the
government puts down with
coercion, attempts by
the poorer sections to demand
justice in economic
opportunities by calling it a law
and order problem or
rebellion. In the Indian context a
Marxist analysis would
interpret caste and the kanna
theory associated with
it as justifying the exploitative
relations between the
landlord and serfs. They prevent
the serfs from
understanding that the landlord is
exploiting him and
this prevents him from fighting the
exploitative system.
Thus Marx places before us the
theory of economic
basis of social inequality.
Max Weber, another
prominent thinker, agreed with
many ideas of Marx but
differed on others issues. He
agreed with Marx that
the most important dimension of
stratification is
economic which results in formation of
the hierarchical
system of class but he points out that
there are other
factors which determine social
According to him there are three
dimensions of
stratification: wealth, status and power.
Weber also asserted
that class formation did not depend
solely on ownership of
productive forces. It depended
on the market
situation by which an individual could
realize his potential
in competition with others. For
example, a reputed
lawyer or a doctor may not own a
field or an industry but
he has specialized skills, which
not many others have.
That is why these professionals
are paid lucrative
salaries. Weber points out that if the
market situation of
the individual is good then the
person can become
wealthy and consequently gains
membership into the
upper class. Status is the second
dimension of
stratification and it is a measure of prestige
the society gives to
an individual and that depends on
the lifestyle of the
person. A person who occupies a
high office would be
respected because of his status
and not because of his
economic position. The third
dimension is power
which is the ability of the individual
to influence the
actions of others against their own
will. For example a
village community leader may
neither be rich nor
occupying a high office but his
position as leader of
the community gives him power.
Weber agrees that in
most cases, all three dimensions,
wealth, status and
power are interrelated. A person
who enjoys wealth and
power is likely to enjoy high
status. This is
however true of most cases but not in all
cases. For example~ a
dalit may be skilled and well to
do but may not be
given the respect he deserves because
of his caste
background. Weber by adding these
dimensions of
stratification, has enabled a broader
understanding of
social stratification.
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